Good to Great- The role of Coaching and Mentoring
In this age of Artificial intelligence, machines can do almost anything that human beings can do. In fact machines have become so smart that it can even do almost anything for human beings (from surgeries, to making coffee to cleaning clothes, etc)
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My First Coaching Lesson
As I started my coaching journey, I was trying to find clients to coach. I started with one of my close friend who used to talk to me regularly on some of the challenges that she used to go through at work as well in her personal life. Many of us who are banking on our monthly salaries to run our families are under similar pressure to deliver at work.
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Work from Home
It was the middle of March when most of the companies started to announce “Working From Home” as an option to counter the COVID-19 situation. For the toastmaster community that met face to face every week, this was a nebulous situation. Intel I Speak club (District 92, AreaN2) was also in a dilemma as to how we should conduct our meetings.
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